A Swiss re-insurance company has several models used in an asset-liability management framework. They calibrate the parameters of a mean-reverting jump diffusion model using historical data.
An American investment bank pulled out from its physical commodity trading activity due the new regulation. Its proprietary trading desk was given the task of expanding its trading activities to cover commodity futures contracts.
A Dutch gas retailer has a 4 bcm gas portfolio of residential, small businesses and industrial customers. Based on the sales channels estimates at year end, it procured gas from the incumbent to satisfy its portfolio needs.
An Austrian budget airline has a significant exposure to commodity price and foreign exchange risks. It has several supply contracts in its portfolio and uses various hedging strategies to keep fuel costs under control.
A French energy-intensive industrial company has been paying high costs for its power and gas consumption. With a few suppliers, it has entered fixed price bilateral contracts which offer some volume flexibility.
A U.K. gas trader has several swing options and gas storage in his portfolio. In order to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), he needs to compute the fair value of these options, taking into account market volatility.
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